Prof. Saed K. Khayat

Prof. Saed K. Khayat

Position: Expert

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hydrochemistry and Isotopes Hydrology, Germany                                            


– Mar 2003 – Dec 2005 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Dr. rer. nat., Hydrochemistry and Isotopes Hydrology, Germany

– Oct 1997 – Jun 2000 An-Najah National University
MS, Environmental Sciences, Palestinian Territory

– Apr 2011–present Professor (Full)
Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie · College of Agricultural Sciences, Palestinian Territory

– Feb 2008- Apr 2011 Director of Scientific Research Council Affairs
Ministry of Education and Higher Education, National Research Council, Palestinian Territories

– Oct 2000 – Feb. 2003 Head of Academic Follow up Division
DG for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Ministry of Higher Education.

– Mar 1997- Oct 2000 Head of Curricula Division
DG for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Ministry of Higher Education

International Projects:
2002 – 2005: Water Resources Evaluation for a Sustainable Development in the Jordan Rift Basin”. (BMBF grant-code: 02WT0250).

2006-2009: IWRM-Project n the Lower Jordan Rift Valley: “SMART- Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies”, (BMBF grant-code 02WM0801).

2007-2012: IWRM-project Helmholtz Dead Sea: “Sustainable Management of Water Resources (Quantity and Quality) in the Dead Sea Area (SUMAR)”, BMBF grant-code: 02WM0848.

2011-2013: Palestine for European Research Area-PERA. Higher or Secondary Education Establishments. INCO.2010-6.2 – Mediterranean Partner Countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Palestinian-administered Areas, Lebanon, Syria, (EU-FP7 grant code: FP7-INCO).

2012-2017: Helmholtz-Virtual Institute DEad SEa Research VEnue “DESERVE”. Water Balancing surrounding Dead Sea basin. Funded by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.

2013-2015: Portable water sensing system, Palestinian-Dutch Academic Cooperation
(PADUCO) program on Water. Funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2014-2017: Evaluating Groundwater Resources Using Environmental Isotopes (Phase 1).
IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Project no. PAL7004.

2017-2019: Evaluating Groundwater Resources Using Environmental Isotopes (Phase II).
IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Project no. PAL7005.

2017-2019: Establishing of Early Warning System for the Drinking Groundwater in the Karstic Aquifer of Hebron Area, Palestine. PalGer- Palestinian German Academic cooperation. Funded by BMBF and Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education.

2018-2021: Innovations in Water Education Programs: Enhancing Water Security and Socio-economic Development in the Eastern Mediterranean under Climate Change / WaSec. Co-funded by ERASMUS+, Capacity building in Higher Education, The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).