Dr. Inas Naser

Dr. Inas Naser

Position: Expert

Ph.D. in Curriculum and Teaching Methods since 2010.                                                                            


– PhD in Curriculum and Teaching Methods since 2010.

– Master degree in Physics since 2005.

– B.Sc. Degree in physics since 2002.

– Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences at Al-Quds University (2017-now).

– Head of Curriculum and Instruction Department from 2014-2017.

– Supervisor of more than 37 master’s theses.

– Published 13 researches in the fields of teaching methods, intelligence, creativity and knowledge economy.


International Projects:

Head of: Teacher Education Improvement Project Continues Professional Development of Primary school teachers / world bank (2017-2019)

Head of: Strengthening the School-Based Practicum for Student Teachers- Phase Tow / world bank (2017-2019).

Coordinator of: Development of TVET Pedagogical Competences and Qualification in Palestinian Universities (2019-2021) /Erasmus +.