Education Curricula Design
The process of designing educational curricula for different levels is one of the challenges facing the entire educational community, we have in SkyEdu the capable experts who can professionally manage the process of designing curricula, which revolves around the following topics:
– Intended learning outcomes of the curriculum.
– Educational content.
– Appropriate teaching and learning strategies.
– Educational activities that are appropriate to the content and outputs.
– Appropriate evaluations.
– Technology used.
Parallel to the above topics, SkyEdu experts make the necessary mapping between all these topics to form an educational curriculum designed with precision and high quality.
Educational Curricula Development:
Our SkyEdu experts in the field of curriculum development Education have worked deeply in more than one educational institution in the field of curriculum development and at different levels of knowledge, We have developed educational templates that make the process of curriculum development proceed in a clear and specific professional manner based on comprehensive axes that control the development process.
Academic Programs Design:
In a rapidly changing and developing world, educational institutions seek to develop academic programs at different levels that keep pace with the changing demand of the labor market and modern research fields.
SkyEdu has experts who worked in educational institutions at a high level of accuracy and professionalism, especially in the areas of academic program design in terms of mechanisms for building learning outcomes and aligning them with the design of courses for each program that enables them to design academic program application in line with the requirements of accreditation in countries and greatly facilitates approval To adopt these new programs in terms of preparing all accreditation requirements such as (market study, economic feasibility study, organizing workshops with relevant sectors …, etc.) in a professional and systematic manner and with clear procedures that ensure the smooth and accurate progress of the program design process.
Academic Programs Development:
Our experts in the field of academic program development in SkyEdu have many years of experience in more than one educational institution in the field of program development and at different levels of knowledge, where we have a high professionalism in the process of developing academic programs in terms of drawing a complete map of the components of the program and their interrelationship among them, which makes the process of Program development proceeds in a clear and specific professional manner based on comprehensive axes that control the development process.